Purpose Project

S1E16: Getting Curious About Purpose with BT Gregson

Leslie Pagel Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode of Purpose Project, host Leslie Pagel interviews BT Gregson, a life coach who helps individuals discover and realize their life’s purpose through a method he calls 'peaceful progression.' BT shares insights into his daily rituals, the significance of grounding oneself in their values, and how this alignment can foster a more energetic and fulfilling life. He also discusses common challenges people face when striving to live purposefully and offers practical advice for those beginning their journey towards discovering their purpose. Through their in-depth conversation, Leslie and BT offer valuable perspectives on how curiosity and mindful practices can guide individuals to a more purposeful life.

00:00 Introduction to Purpose Project

00:47 B.T.'s Core Values and Beliefs

03:42 The Journey to Discovering Purpose

09:08 Living Purposefully: Daily Practices

12:03 Challenges in Pursuing Purpose

17:02 When Purpose Causes Disruption

18:04 Broadcasting Your Purpose: Mindful Sharing

21:47 Connecting Values to Purpose

22:56 Peaceful Progress: A Coaching Philosophy

26:26 Daily Practices for a Purposeful Life

26:47 Long-Term Perspective: Embracing the Journey

29:13 Morning Rituals: Setting the Tone for the Day

31:51 Final Thoughts on Purpose

33:11 Contact Information and Closing Remarks


Email BT Gregson: btgregson@p2performance.com

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There are people in this world whose purpose is to help others discover and realize their life's purpose. And today's guest is one of those people. Hi, my name is Leslie Pagel and this is Purpose Project. On the show today, we have B. T. Gregson. B. T. is a life coach who helps his clients. discover and realize their life's purpose through what he calls a peaceful progression. Let's take a listen.


BT thank you so much for being here with me on Purpose Project. I've been looking forward to our conversation.

Thank you, Leslie. I appreciate you having me here.


Wonderful. Let's just start out by getting to know you a little bit. Who is BT?

Wow, that's a, that's an encompassing question, right? One, I probably don't have the entire answer for if I'm being serious with you pretty much every day I go through this exercise that questions my beliefs.



I can't answer that, that, that question. And it's like entirety. But what I can give you is who I know I am, right? These are three things that for me have almost been born with, right? So it's been an insatiable appetite for curiosity, right? On the kid to ask the questions, right? The kid stop asking the questions in class. I'm still that today. Anybody will tell you that I asked like way too many questions. It's always been around, not so much of like how to fix things like mechanically or anything of that nature. It's really been like, questions around getting a better understanding of people and what makes us tick. Really, I'm being honest. Energy is the other one, right? So number two would be energy. I have a lot of it, right? So you can imagine me like as a small child in the classroom that's asking questions and has a lot of energy. So I must burn that energy off, right? Anybody who knows me and close with me, my family, especially if I don't exercise, they're going to remind me to exercise just because I have all that pent up energy and I need to get it out. And lastly, I think, and, this is a, I would say something I'm getting a little bit more and more comfortable with, right. Is I'm very loving. Right. I think that's like, when we think about the three things about me is the curiosity really is a huge component of my life. The energy and then and really love, just love for my for. Any sentient being, it seems like, for most part, like I am the guy who doesn't kill bugs. So, um, I feel those are the three things. If you ask somebody on the street or somebody who knew me. What are three things? One of those three, hopefully will come up or I don't know too much about myself.


Love that. Wonderful. So curious, high energy and looks at ways to exert that energy and a loving person. I also heard very thoughtful. You talked about how every day you have a practice of checking in with yourself as well.

I'm very, I would call it very ritualistic, right? So I think one of those things when as part of my quest, if you will, one of the things I learned from Joseph Campbell's work was about the necessary aspect of rituals and just the hero's journey, if you will. And I've adopted that in my life, I would say I'm very ritualistic. Some people might say I'm very scheduled. But schedule feels so tight to me is a very ritualistic of, my day and what I love to accomplish. And I find that very valuable and very beneficial and a great way to start my day for sure.


Awesome. Awesome. I'm, I, I want to come back to that as we get into the topic of purpose And see how that connects. Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself. Bt




would you say you have identified your life's purpose?


When I say I done my life's purpose, uh, I would say I I would identify my current purpose. Okay. And I feel like that this, the purpose is gonna co to continue to evolve and be refined. But my current purpose really for this moment in time is really to help people and, move them to the life they desire and in a manner, in a way that is natural and sustainable for them. When I think about the coaching methodology, which I apply in my philosophy. It's really about how do you coach somebody into their desired life, but through a peaceful progression. So I think those are, that's really the purpose for the moment.


Could you walk us through that process of discovering your purpose?

You know what, it's been a quest, right? So, an ongoing quest. So I would have to say it probably started almost 20 years ago. And it was just at the idea of kind of this question Of something like what's it like to be human? Like, what does it mean to be human? Right. So this kicked off this great adventure for me and it has brought me into, I would say most of the major religions some outskirt religions too, as well. Right. And Philosophy, sociology, psychology, parapsychology. Nothing that was off the table for me to delve into. I've gone to seminar series. You want to talk about books on tape or whatever you may be. It was just an immersion of this and this effort and what came out. So it's been that, that devotion to that purpose of what it means to be human. Right. So I've gone through this quest and we'll continue to go through, but now I have this really great life experience plus a body of work behind me through the research that I've been conducting. And it just seems to be like a good opportunity now to begin to share that with more than just myself and my, my family members at the time. So how do I now begin to help people with what I've experienced and helped them move forward too, as well.


Yeah. So I hear that it started years ago, 20 years ish ago that pondering the question, what does it mean to be human or a question like that? And that led you into years of exploring different angles of answering that. And yeah,

it's not only about, in the textbook, right, it's also about the physical experience, right? Whether that be meditation, whether that be certain styles or breath work, whether that be jumping into really cold water for a long time or walking on hot coals. Right. I mean. I've got really have done the work and put the effort in really to gain as much information and understanding of what it means to be human, right. At this point in my life. And, thinking about coming on today, I was like, Man, shouldn't I be like enlightened by now, but no, no, I'm not. Right. So, uh, work in progress for sure. So


in this journey of yours, it sounds like it was very much focused on what you can learn for yourself and what it's like to be human and how can BT live a human as human of a life as possible? And now you're saying. Wow, I've learned all of this. I can take everything that I've learned, not just from my research and my studies, but my own personal experiences and help others do something similar.

Oh, absolutely. Right. Take some of the mistakes that I have made some of my experience and help them accelerate into that more desired life.


For sure. Yeah. So, what have you learned?

The most important thing I've learned for all of it is going to be to take a breath. Right. Just allow yourself that moment of pause no matter what the situation is. I think that to me is the smallest, but biggest thing that we can do, right? If I had to drill it down to one thing in particular, Leslie, it would be just that. If you're in a moment, take a breath and just exhale and then allow yourself to be in that moment, just to relieve that tension, whatever it may be, or whatever the situation may be. I think for me that would be. If I had to narrow it down to just one kernel I could pass on to the audience, it would be just pause, take a breath, exhale, and now respond.


Yeah. The power of the breath is so important. And it's something that everyone has. In their toolkit as well. And in their

control too, also in their control. Right. So when you just think about just general things if you get excited for something, so say if you have a snake, I don't know, that comes through your yard or your house or whatever it may be, your breath is going to go faster. So like, it's how do you begin to become more aware and more in control of you versus autopilot all the time.


Yeah. Okay. So BT, your purpose right now is to help others live a happier life by applying all the things that you've learned and your experiences. What does that look like in a day of the life of BT living out purpose? Yeah.

So first of all. Every moment of my day isn't on purpose. It's not quite like this every single moment of the day, right? So, but when I'm on purpose, it feels like the best way to describe it, Leslie is living, right? So you're not thinking about that was the dog fed. You're not thinking about even what I'm feeling. You're just really in the moment, really connected with that individual. And for me, that's what purpose when I'm living the purpose, does that make sense?


Yeah let me play it back. How I heard it. It's what I heard there is. When I am living out my purpose in life, I'm in the present. I'm not in my head, but I'm just, I'm in the presence of what's happening in my world. Is that a way of putting it?

Yeah, absolutely. Right. It's in the moment living. So just to give an example around coaching, right? So when we think about that coaching interaction to your point very much in the moment, right? You're deeply listening to the individual. You're connecting with that individual, right? Really getting a sense and understanding of what that individual is going through. So physically, energetically, emotionally, where they're at. And then I'm not thinking about what the next best question is, or how to help Leslie, if I ask this, that, and that, or what's the strategy behind that. I'm being in the moment. And what arises out of me is the right question for Leslie,


right? So

it's almost a sense of like, how do I just become a mirror? And in the coaching process, I just mirror you and you don't really see me, right? If that makes sense, because you're, I'm just an avenue to help you become empowered for the life that you desire.


Wonderful. So when you're doing that, when you're living out your purpose in terms of helping others now, I know there's also being in purpose when we do other tasks and things like that. But when we think about living out your purpose in terms of helping others, how does that make you feel when you're in those moments?

Yeah it's. It's hard to describe, right? Because I don't know if there's one word that describes it. Right. And I don't want to go out of body, like all that kind of stuff, because that's maybe level two out there. Right. But it just, again, it feels like how I would best describe as. As live it it's just very much natural, very organic. So there's a fluidity there. There's a, there's a. There's a oneness there, there's a connection, there's a sense of belonging. So if I had to put words as we're chatting here, if I had to put words, I think those are the words that would come up for me around what that really feels like for me.


Yeah. Yeah. Are there any challenges in that as you pursue your purpose?

I think the challenges for me around living my purpose is probably not different from a lot of folks when they begin to change. It's around like disruption, right. So just everyday life, yeah, I have. Children are married, right? So why is he asking these questions? Like, why can't you be like a normal dad? Like those types of things. Right. Yeah. Why are you going into ice water? Like, you know, the things that I do, like who I am. Yeah. So like you had that disruption, of why can't you be. Like others at times, right? Sometimes they don't really, see all the benefits of it, right? But, reality is that as you change you're changing not only yourself, but you're actually now beginning to wave out to others, and I think that to me is one of the challenges, finding that balance, right? If you choose to, depending on your situation, this is how I approached it. Leslie is I want to strike that balance. If I am going through a period where I just only eat vegetables, everybody in the house doesn't have to eat up vegetables, right? This is my choice. This is something that I want to do. Or for example I've fast quite a bit, so interesting, like I generally only eat once a day as just a way of life. And, that could be disruptive, for people you live with or, just curious to people. Like why only once a day when you go out in general public, right. And you're not, they have brought you lunch and you're not eating lunch, with everybody else. Right. So it does. Add to a little bit of quirkiness, right? And I think that's when it really goes back to what's your conviction and what's your devotion to it and the dedication of who you want to be in this life and who you want to show up for your purpose, right? And that, and the balance of, how am I now forcing my value system on others? As an example, okay, everybody has to eat vegetables tonight because I'm eating vegetables. So I always want to make sure that others are at choice. In, in who, whoever's around me, but it is, when you change are you going after something it's just disruptive, right? I think that to me is Is one of the things that has been challenging is the disruption that it causes at times to others and yourself, right? Cause you don't, for me personally, I don't want to be disruptive to people by how I'm living my life.


Yeah. So I, when I hear you talk about this and you're using the word disruption, but it sounds like. When I'm out and about people have expectations of what normal is or what what I should be doing. And I'm not doing those things because of my values and my beliefs and how I want to show up in this world. So it's facing societal. I think of it as norms or conditioning that's been out there and you're you're rubbing up against it and it feels like disruption for you and maybe your family as well.

Yeah. I totally agree with you, right? So it really is about that, right? So it's, again, goes back to how strong do you believe in this, how, what's your conviction around it? And because the social norms, you're going to be asked questions everywhere you go. About, some of the things that you are looking to do to be, to live the life that you want around your purpose. So I think for me it's one of those things that it's worth doing. And when I say disruptive, it's not, it's minor disruption, right? But nonetheless, it's still disruption. So I think that to me is something that folks want to be aware of. It's not all, rainbows and puppy dogs. It's. There are things that don't go well all the time. And, I'm not living on purpose every single moment of my life either. So I think that's that realization and realisticness of it is important for folks to know when they think about, living purposefully,


I think

it gives them grace. And again, going back to that breath. Allow somebody to be like,



I am human after all. Right. I don't have to live in this kind of like perfect picture idea of myself. I can make a mistake and I'm okay with it. Or whatever it may be.


Well, and I believe that some people don't pursue their purpose. Because of fear, because of that disruption that it might cause. And one of the things that you talked about is getting really grounded in your commitment your conviction of it as a way of feeling comfortable in that moment and saying, no, this is something that I believe in strong enough, and because of that, I'm going to keep pursuing it. I'm going to, and granted, yeah, we. We're not all in every moment of our lives living on purpose. So I appreciate you sharing that as well. But there are moments when we are living in purpose and sometimes it can feel like it's causing disruption, but knowing that it's not. I'm only, I'm asking this of myself, not of all the others and I'm convicted in it.

And just to add on to that, Leslie would be. When you're thinking about your purpose, and we might get into this a little bit deeper if you want, but when you're thinking about your purpose, you should, at least for me the thought would be to take a look at it as like you're planting a flower or something of this nature, or you're planting something for growth. You want to nurture it. You want to nourish it. You don't want everybody coming looking around trampling it. My, my venture here has been many decades. So I can stand in front of you and anybody. And say, these are my values. This is who I am very confidently. 15 years ago, 10 years ago, I'm not saying that, right. I'm saying part of it. Right. It takes time to get there. It may not take everybody 20 years to get here or wherever it may be. Surely every day and every year has been progress for me. But what I'm, the point is I'm getting at is you want to be mindful about Broadcasting, what you're looking to do right around the audience, you want to make sure it's supporting and nourishing and nurturing. So you can grow into that. And not just be like, as you mentioned you get your thoughts trampled, then you don't go back to them. Because it's been received negatively. And that could be a stopper for you as an individual to continue forward.


Absolutely. Let's use this to, to get into what you see as a coach because you're out there every day helping humans discover, realize their purpose, live a purposeful life. What are you seeing in your work?

Yeah, I think, for me, it's I think, Programs like yourselves are very helpful. And the reason being is because there's certain words out there in terminology that has been overused and it's saturated and it's diluted. So when we think about words like authentic, transformation right? So just the overuse of these words, so it dilutes them a little bit. Right. So when folks talk about purpose, you might get an eye roll, right? Oh, here, purpose. How do I connect to purpose? Right. So I think it's great to bring them back and ground them of what you're looking to move to on purpose. Like why purpose is so important for an individual. And what the value is for that. So I think that to me is some of the resistance right off the bat is like the skepticism or, this feeling of like, here we go again, it's, this what's this all about? Right. So I think that to me is one of the things that's really important is just to begin to ground them into what purposes so it's beginning to, are you living your purpose every day, every moment? So I think it to me is there's a, there's an idea of reconnecting people to what purposes like your program's offering here. Right. And the strength and the value for being human in line to purpose. So I think that to me is key. And I feel that, also as well, another barrier might just be, I don't know, I haven't given it much thought



what my purpose is because I've never really given a lot of consideration. I think, those are types of things when you've asked somebody. What's your purpose in life? They might say you know what pay taxes go to work and


die I

don't know. So that might be an answer you might get right So I don't think a lot of people think about it in a daily basis, right? Because you're just caught up in the wheel of life


most people

so I think that is You know brings you back right sets you back as a client I'd be like I haven't really thought about it that much You so it really hasn't been something they thought about and there might be some association, like, you know, here we go again, this is just a new craze, a new wave or something of that nature. So really about get them to think about it and get them to see the value of why it's so important to live life on purpose.


Yeah. And it sounds like starting with what it means, because it, I do think purpose is one of those words that. Is thrown around a lot without a lot of context around it. And so getting on a solid footing on, okay, this is what purpose is about and this is what it means and in working from there. Is there an example of a coaching situation that you've been in and how you've worked with that individual?

Yeah. So when we think about purpose it could come in a different couple of ways, so generally speaking, if it's the individual who, comes in with an association of like, we'll just say like a negative association around purpose, right? I think it's really about getting an understanding of what they believe might be their values at the time. And then weaving it in to, okay, so what are, how are you going to act on those values? How are you going to activate those values in your daily life? Right? Because as we're meeting our values, If we can live purposefully that has a connection to our value stream too as well, right? So as an individual If we can as a coach, I should say if I can connect a client into those values as well as a purpose It really is something that is highly valuable in the session, right? So now that maybe the light bulb goes off it's like oh now I get it, right? So now I can live more purposefully really wherever I go because now I'm beginning to align things that are important to me with on purpose. So I think that to me is as an example in that first scenario. The second scenario where they may just don't know it depends what they come up with, right? So if it's resistance. You know, you just give them time, right, to, to think it over, think it, think it about is it, if it's overwhelming maybe it's like a takeaway, right? So at the next session, let's work on it, right, to, to align it. So you want to, again, my philosophy and my methodology around my coaching style, again, is this peaceful progress. Again, going back to the disruption, if I could just why that's important but going back to the disruption for me you know, I am, I can be very intense and very immersive and very you know, I'm going back to my energy level. Not everybody has the same energy level I do. So, so like that is not always sustainable. And, I, I think that's why it's for me. It's very important to my clients that, that choose to work with me and I choose to work with them is around this kind of methodology around, okay, we're going to, you're going to progress. Grass is going to be peaceful. It's not going to be, spikes and valleys, spikes and valleys and spikes and valleys. So I think to me that is the importance of, allowing that to develop on what works best for them to make them align to their, to, and develop the purpose.


Right. So it's a peaceful journey. It's very focused on like you mentioned earlier, being the mirror, putting the mirror up and having them take a look at themselves and understand what are my shared values, what do I care about?




And through that discovery realizing the opportunity to live those out, in their life more intentionally.

And then what begins to happen to Leslie is, the momentum begins to swing and individual who may not have a lot of energy or had not as much energy as they had once before, when they move to the purpose, when they move to the value. They'll begin to see more energy because now they're living more naturally for themselves, right? So I think that's one of the things that when we talk about connecting why purpose is so important You're not fighting against something not being yourself, right? You're aligned, right? And now you can ruin toward it


So is that why the energy comes up is because? when you're not living on purpose, you're not being your authentic self. And then when you spend this time looking in the mirror, understanding shared values and starting to live that out, is it because we get more energy in that because we stopped the fighting.

The simplest thought that comes to mind is friction, right? You can, I guess there's that saying, right? You can, friction makes fire, friction makes diamonds, right? There's all that. However, when we think about the energy level, if you're pulling against something else, there's always that fight. And one day you win the next day the other the value of words, right. Not being authentic ones. Right. So there's always this kind of inner outer struggle. And that takes a toll on us. Right. That takes a toll on us energetically, right. If you're not getting out of bed, wanting to get out of bed because you have to go someplace where you can't, get your values or purpose. That's challenging, right? That's actually a cup of coffee in the morning, you know, or whatever it may be, but when you are able to begin to live on purpose, begin to align your values, begin to, align what your beliefs are, right. And move forward, you know, very much to what I mentioned before about living, that's living. It's effortless. You're not using a lot of energy consumption there, right? There's no struggle in it. So I think that's something that folks really want to take in consideration. And, living aligned to their values too, as well.


So you mentioned earlier that breathing is, one big thing that you've learned throughout your experience. Where other places to start in terms of exploring, living more of a purposeful life.

Yeah. I think it's for me it's the two things, right. For me, it's, I would say it's the long view, um, of life, right. The long view and. Perhaps the seriousness sometimes or significance that we put around certain things Um, I think are Two things that I have embraced Long View more recently, um, as a society, I feel at least my own person. We're very fast paced. We're very reactive. We want anything now. I love it. Amazon right with their two day service. But you know, that doesn't mean my life is going to be a two day service, right? But I think as we think about these expectations and we think about the normal things that that we live. I think that is a challenge to folks, right? There's a level of frustration around I'm not getting there fast enough. I'm not being most successful. I'm not, whatever that may be. And they're missing the juice of the day, right? Cause they're so focused on this. So I think the long view is important because it allows us to say, okay. I know where I'm going to wind up. But in the moment, I'm going to enjoy today. And I'm going to see what today brings and know that what I'm doing today and who I am today is going to bring me to that long, that long right. So I think right, the long view is important I once heard or read, I forget, if I'm on my rocking chair, drinking my lemonade at 85, is this really going to matter? Like, is this what I'm going to be thinking about? I heard that once it stuck with me for decades. So that to me is always take a breath, breathe in, I asked myself that question at times is this going to matter? So I think that to me is just regulate that perspective and that reality that we want by, not taking everything so seriously. Maybe not taking, making stuff so significant, I think too, as, as well. And pause. Just ask yourself, whatever that question may be to to ground you into something right. Mon is the rocking chair question often. So


I love that it puts things in perspectives, doesn't it? When you think longer term down the road yeah, it reminds me, you mentioned earlier that you have a daily practice checking in with yourself. Could you tell us a little bit more about that?

I can just run down my daily practice for you is I just refer to it as like, I believe it was morning messaging, right? So I just opened my journal book and just start writing. Um, I think that is the first thing. It's not even like thoughtful writing. It's just writing, right? Whatever comes out, comes out. And then I just take a period of time to identify 12 things that I'm really grateful for.



just take that moment to be like, okay, I'm really grateful for it. And I'm a really simple guy. It could be running water for me. Right. So, you think about how many people in the world just can't go to a faucet and turn on running water and drink it nonetheless, make it hot or cold, or, whatever pH balance you want or whatever else we have here. So it's really get, you get very heart, right. Heartfelt around that gratitude of what I'm grateful for. And then I go into reading, right. And the topic that I'm reading on now is around belief systems, right? So just getting curious about beliefs, right? We all have them. And they can interfere with us being living most optimally, and then I exercise. So there is some physical activity in the morning for me, at least 45 minutes. And I don't miss that, right? I have to have that as I mentioned before, otherwise I'm cranky. And then it's to start my day. Right. So I think for me, I have a meditation period too, as well before I actually exercise. But then I get down to it for exercise. That's, that is, I love it. And then I began my day. So that's my ritual. I mean, for me You know, it works for me because it's just brings so much a benefit to my life.


You mentioned your morning routine. Do you have other rituals in your day? Are there other periods throughout the day where you're checking? Yeah, absolutely.

No, I think it's, for me, it's important that I take a break, like a mid afternoon break. And check in and a lot of that is just, breathing exercises, perhaps some visualization as well. And then I exercise again at night. I think that's, again, that's just works for me. And as for relaxation, right? I'm not a TV watcher. I'm not on screens at night. It's really just about maybe going out and looking at the stars. Just relaxing, unwinding, and then just gradually preparing myself to, to sleep and, prepare to, to get rest and rejuvenation. Those are the things that that's my day


Yeah. Yeah. So heavy focus in the morning, Get your body going, your mind going, you're centered and then checkpoints throughout the day just to, to check in

oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.


Awesome. Okay. So you have shared a little bit about who you are, your purpose. We've dug into what that looks like in terms of how it makes you feel some of the things that are challenging about it. What you see in your work as a a life purpose coach and we've learned from your routines. Is there any other advice or anything left unsaid on the topic of purpose?

Yeah, I would say cut yourself a break on purpose, right? When we think about the dramaticness of what's my purpose, or something like this, right? So, or, you know, the deep thought of it, right? I would just suggest folks to maybe step out in nature, right? Just ask the question, what my purpose is, and just let it sit. And, and, sleep on it and see what kind of comes up for you. Right. And then just begin to get curious about it. Right. Begin to move it with it. It, dance with it a little bit. It's not your one and all. It's not, the final decision, but it has a lot of value. It has a lot of benefit of being, being a human being right. On a lot of different levels. So I would strongly encourage anybody to, just Be curious about maybe potentially what their purpose may be.


Wonderful. I love that. BT how can people reach out to you?



If people are interested in what they heard today and want to know a little bit more about my coaching philosophy or be coached. They can reach me at btgregson@p2performance.Com.


Awesome. I'll put that in the show notes as well Thank you so much BT for being here on Purpose Project. I've learned a lot from you and gonna add to my daily practice of gratitude, based on what you've shared. So thanks for being here.


Oh, thank you, Leslie, for having me. Appreciate it. And hopefully we make a difference in people's lives today.


Awesome. This conversation with BT led me to reflect on my own journey of discovering my life's purpose. I can especially relate to getting curious about those big questions in life. For BT, he was asking, what does it mean to be human? For me, I was asking, have I done everything that I can to discover and live a life of purpose? And the realization that I wasn't doing everything that I could led me down a path of getting curious about what my life purpose is. This conversation highlights how embracing those big life questions can lead to a more purposeful life. So let curiosity guide you. It is a powerful step towards clarity and purpose. BT, thank you for being on the show and thanks to all of you for listening. Purpose Project is brought to you for education and for entertainment purposes. This podcast is not intended to replace the advice that you would receive from a licensed therapist or doctor or any other qualified professional.

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